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Caroline L’Impératrice, MSCDHolistic Health & Wellness Associate In the movie Limitless, the very first thing (…the second thing!) the main character Eddie did after ingesting the cognitive enhancing pill is cleaning & reorganizing his place. I always thought that scene was very significate. Think about it, he has all this mental clarity & his (second) grand idea is to clean his space… Metaphysically, the home is an expression of what’s going on within. Cleaning & organizing our home is very beneficial especially when experiencing a lack of creativity, energy, motivation, ideas or mental clarity. Think about how good it feels after you clean the house, doesn’t it feel lighter & more comfortable? Introducing Pher Shefat Pher Shefat is a 5000-plus years-old Ancient Kemetic science focused on establishing a spiritual consciousness within your home, so it reflects divine-like vibes of peace, harmony, abundance, prosperity, joy & perfect health. This is achieved by rearranging the rooms in specific ways, colors & adding natural elements to enhance the home’s Sekhem (life energy). Before harmonizing the home into a high vibes environment, one major step has to be performed: clearing & cleaning the dirt & clutter. By doing this first, we’ll be able to see the space from a ‘blank canvas’ perspective, allowing our imagination & creative juices to flow freely & inspire us with fresh ideas. Dirt, clutter & your wellbeing A messy home can make people more vulnerable to common colds & flus due to the presence of allergens hazardous to your wellbeing. Being continuously exposed to dust mites, pollen, mold, bacteria, parasites, etc. can potentially lead to stuffy nose, scratchy throat, coughing, headaches, congestion, asthma, acne, eczema, stomach issues, and more. Additionally, living in unclean spaces also affects our mental wellness. Researchers have concluded that a cluttered & dirty home can increase stress levels, anxiety & feelings of overwhelm, whereas a clean & organized home makes people feel more rested, productive, focused & creative. In 2010, the scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin published a study focused on the restorative or stressful impact of the home environment. They demonstrated the following: ‘‘Over 3 weekdays following the home tours, wives with higher stressful home scores had flatter diurnal slopes of cortisol, a profile associated with adverse health outcomes, whereas women with higher restorative home scores had steeper cortisol slopes. These results held after controlling for marital satisfaction and neuroticism. Women with higher stressful home scores had increased depressed mood over the course of the day, whereas women with higher restorative home scores had decreased depressed mood over the day.’’ Cleaning strategy Facing one’s mess can be overwhelming whether it’s the whole house or just one drawer full of paperwork that’s been piling up for decades. Start by taking a few deep breaths, grab your cleaning gloves (and mask if necessary), play your favorite music & let’s do this! Here is a cleaning strategy to help you on your journey to a high vibrations home: 1. Prep the space Choose one room to start with. Clear out a space in that same room where you’ll be able to sort everything out. Take 3 sheets of paper, write down: ‘donate’, ‘recycle’, ‘trash’, and tape them on the wall a few feet apart from each other. 2. Clear the clutter Depending on how things are laid out, go through the piles, boxes, drawers, cupboards, etc. one at a time. For instance, take one box, empty the content & see what’s worth keeping or not. Be mindful of getting too emotionally involved in the process, keeping knick-knacks from decades ago adds up & contributes to clutter. 3. Dispose responsibly Place everything you’re releasing under the appropriate sign. Whatever you’re donating can be offered to friends & family, sold in a garage sale, given to a local organization or dropped off at a thrift store. 4. Deep clean the space Once you’re done sorting everything out, start deep cleaning the room top to bottom, preferably using natural products. There are many recipes online that require simple ingredients such as distilled water, white vinegar, citrus peels, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, etc. Don’t forget to open up the windows to let the room breathe. 5. Evaluate the space Does the room require repairs, painting, new light bulbs? Take notes of all the work the room needs, even what you don’t think you can afford right now. Life has a way of sending the right people & opportunities our way when we have a clear intention & set things in motion. Whatever can be done now, do it. The rest will be done in due time. 6. Get acquainted Get to know your house from the biggest wall to the littlest corner. Show your home you care, even go as far as speaking to it. It’s an energetic structure created with raw material; your house bears a certain level of consciousness. Yes, your home knows you! so get acquainted. While you’re doing the work, give thanks for the protection, the heat, the safety it provides you & your family. Once that process is done, your home will be ready to be arranged as per Pher Shefat science which I’ll share more of in my next article. For now, full joy the process of offering ‘deep-cleanse spa day experience’ to this sacred space where you & your family gather to eat, play, rest, find comfort, pray & dream. There’s no place like a clean, cozy & pleasant home. Joyfully, Caroline
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