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Cyntria Oliver, MBAFinancial Wellness Associate I can remember growing up, I wanted to be rich. I built a timeline of when and how I was going to reach my goal to become rich. I did not understand the concept of anything involving finance. I knew I wanted my own money. Before my freshman year in college, my parents gave me $1500 and told me not to spend it all in one place. I thought “wow, I have my own money to do what I want!” What my parents didn’t tell me was that I would encounter a large amount of debt my first year in college. Student loans, credit cards, etc. I was in debt before graduating college. At 18, I had no idea what I was setting myself up for in the future. It wasn’t until after I graduated college that I realized that the debt I created could and would affect all that I was hoping to accomplish. After college I went back home, with hopes of moving out on my own and starting a full time job. My credit score was in the 300’s! Not having a real plan, I began to take inventory of the debt I created. I started with the smallest debt, progressed to the largest and made arrangements to pay off my debt. After 6 months, I could finally feel good about my situation and made plans to move out of my parent’s house into my own apartment; however, plans changed. I was expecting the birth of my daughter and had to make some financial adjustments quick. I started saving as much money as I possibly could, putting away $25-$50 each pay period. After a short period of time and through perseverance, I had enough money saved for the deposit requirement and moved into my own apartment. Before my daughter was born, I started a 401k plan with my current employer. Saving money for my future and my daughter’s future was and still is very important to me. It is never too late to start building wealth for the time of retirement. The four principles that I used to get me started me toward financial freedom are listed below.
As you continue on the journey to financial freedom and stability, always remember there may be obstacles which occur in your life that is out of your control, but continue to follow your plan that you have established.
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